Gestalt language processing (GLP)

Gestalt language processing (GLP) is a language acquisition model that enables learners to acquire language  in units or chunks called gestalts, instead of single words. These gestalts are then broken down into individual words. As a top-down way of learning that promotes flexible, spontaneous language through emotionally charged, richly intonated …

Let’s be Mindful together

‘Circle of Care’ is an evening of fun, sharing and caring for #SethuParents. The objective is to provide a safe space for parents to share their experiences and feelings and implement strategies for their well being and mental health. Having an in-person session also ensures that parents make it a …

Self-care tips to help you unwind

Expecting to bring our best selves to happy, healthy parenting if we’re run ragged with emotional stress and physical exhaustion is a tall ask. Running on empty has never taken anyone far. And if we do take care of our physical health, how about our mental health? Stress, exhaustion and …

Circle of Care

Circle of Care is monthly group meeting for #SethuParents of neurodivergent kids. An evening of fun, sharing and caring for yourself, where we understand the rollercoaster of joys and challenges that makes life with our kids so special. “I’ve realised that I’m not alone on my journey – the struggle is real for …

Goa’s First Aqua Therapy Pool at Sethu

29 April was a red letter day for us at Sethu as Sonya Fernandes, Thematic Lead, Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives, inaugurated our pool. Aahil Noor Sheikh, Sethu kid and winner of two medals at the 25th National Deaf Senior Sports Championship earlier this year swam the first lap, and then …