Goa’s First Aqua Therapy Pool at Sethu

29 April was a red letter day for us at Sethu as Sonya Fernandes, Thematic Lead, Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives, inaugurated our pool. Aahil Noor Sheikh, Sethu kid and winner of two medals at the 25th National Deaf Senior Sports Championship earlier this year swam the first lap, and then another, and another, wowing us with his grace and agility.

Inherited with the premises from which we currently operate, thanks to a legacy donation from our dear friend Allesendro Baffico, the pool had fallen into disuse by the time we moved in. Epicor Software India and the Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary Club helped us fix that and behold – Goa’s first aqua therapy pool, now open to developmentally disabled children for therapy and recreation.

The water-specific interventions of this form of physical therapy tend to be very effective because most  kids love being in the water. “Being submerged in water provides calming support, pressure, and buoyancy that helps kids with neurodevelopmental disabilities develop their sensory processing skills, reach new physical milestones, and strengthen their self-regulation abilities,” says Mahera Kantawalla, our Senior Occupational Therapist. Children with cerebral palsy, for example, can improve their coordination, strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight ones. For children on the autism spectrum, the Halliwick concept we use has shown promise in promoting  social interaction and behaviour. Children with Down Syndrome display improvements in balance, coordination, strength and gait. 

To begin with, interventions will be offered to a select group of 18 children aged 2–10 with significant sensory processing challenges. The one-to-one sessions will be conducted by a trained aquatic therapist in  the presence of a lifeguard.