English is fun

Most children studying in Government Primary Schools (GPS) in Goa, are educated in a vernacular language (Marathi or Konkani), which is the medium of instruction, while English is taught as a second language. Over a period of 4 years, students are expected to learn to understand, speak, read and write English. When children reach the 5th standard, most of them are then required to learn in English, which becomes the medium of instruction. Therefore a high level of competency in English is necessary in middle school.

Unfortunately, this level of English competency is rarely acquired by children studying in Government primary schools (GPS) in our state. This leads to scholastic failure and eventual school dropout. English is Fun is an attempt to reverse this cycle of failure.

The project seeks to develop a structured program to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) in government primary schools in Goa. The classroom library is well stocked by Bookworm, an organisation that works fiercely to grow the love of books among children.

Since 2009, the project is being implemented in GPS Paithona, a single teacher school in Bardez, Goa, where there are 16 children studying in Std 1 to 4. English classes are conducted twice a week, and through the whole language approach, as well as a structured graded literacy program using phonics, sight reading, drawing and writing the children are learning English meaningfully.


Sethu Centre For Child Development and Family Guidance.
House No. 5/84, Dhonvaddo, Saligao, North Goa 403511, India

Contact number
Sethu – +91-77200 13749

Centre Timings
Tuesday to Saturday 9 am to 5 pm

Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Public Holidays
