Sethu was born out of an ardent desire to help every child, including the vulnerable, realise its full potential.
We cater to children with developmental, behavioral, emotional and learning difficulties, from birth to 19 years, providing valuable guidance to parents on how to care for them and help prepare other care givers to assist in their development. Sethu provides diagnostic services towards aiding early assessment and intensive intervention to help the child's development through focus on its strengths.
Driven by a vision that every child must receive a fair chance to realise its potential, Sethu is the bridge, between children and their families, schools and communities, that fosters their complete development through assessments, therapy, educational initiatives, training, awareness and capacity building. We believe that it takes a village to raise a child and are striving to create a village for each child through our efforts.
Our Services
*Assessment & Diagnosis Related to Delays In Child Development *Autism Intervention *Speech & Language Therapy *Parent & Teacher Training *Occupation Therapy *Remedial Education *Behaviour Therapy *Child Psychotherapy *Counseling *Sethu TELECARE
Who We Are
Sethu is a charitable trust based in Goa, India, which helps children get the best out of their lives as they grow and develop. The Sethu Trust was formed in June 2005 to provide services for children with developmental, behavioural, emotional and educational challenges. We are committed to the welfare of the young and believe that there is an immense need for a service-based organisation for children and their education, development and behaviour. Our conviction is that everyone who cares for children can work together sharing skills and knowledge – this is the bridge that Sethu embodies. It is because children have families, teachers, communities and other supports that Sethu can do its work. When we pool our diverse competencies and resources we can maximize our power to make this world more responsive to all children.
Our Approach
Sethu's focus is on the developmental and behavioural well-being of children from birth to 19 years. The child and family are the centre of our work. Therefore utmost importance is given to ensuring that families feel empowered to help their children.
Sethu's work is not rocket science! Training others - anyone who cares for children - about various facets of child development is a crucial objective that is pursued with passion. Through the sharing of knowledge and skills, we can reach out to so many more children.

Our Programmes
Sethu Centre
Children are our inspiration, which help us bear the perspiration! Learn everything about about our busy centre at Sethu and some of the common concerns for which children are referred to our facility.
Finally we have a dedicated facility for children with autism and all those who care for them. Get to understand autism and know more about AATISH and our excellent autism intervention services.
We firmly believe that it is possible to create a world where all schools welcome diversity and no child is denied admission because of special needs. Our Tarang and Gnyandeep programs strengthen the inclusive philosophy in Goa
Our Awesome Team
We are a team of paediatricians, psychologists,
speech therapists, special educators, behaviour therapists,
administrators and trustees, working tirelessly
to improve the lives of children in our community.
Build Our Bridge Campaign
'Sethu' translates to bridge and bridges are made of bricks.
We have launched the 'Build Our Bridge' campaign to raise INR 50000000 to build our new state-of-the-heart centre for children. Our bridge to a bright future is made of just 5000 bricks! Each brick costs just INR 10,000. We urge you to be a 'Hero for Sethu' and buy a brick or 10! Then, use your powers of persuasion to convince your friends, family, neighbours, coworkers, schoolmates, teachers - basically everyone you know, to buy a brick or 10 too!
Our donors don’t just give, they invest in our children and the community
Sethu Trust was born on 1st June 2005, seeded from a commitment to children. At that time, there was a great void in Goa for a professional yet caring multidisciplinary service to promote the development of children and support parents, teachers and all who care for children to do a better job.The 3 founder trustees of Sethu were Elvina Menezes, Ameeta Mascarenhas and Sneha Bhandare, they are all still our stalwart supporters. In 2005, the professional team consisted of just 3 people – Dr Nandita de Souza, developmental peadiatrician, Yogita Joshi, special educator, and Anjali Nunes, speech and language therapist. The Sethu Centre was first housed in a compact 2-bedroom apartment in Miramar, Goa, generously offered sans rent by Eric Menezes.
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