Let’s be Mindful together

‘Circle of Care’ is an evening of fun, sharing and caring for #SethuParents. The objective is to provide a safe space for parents to share their experiences and feelings and implement strategies for their well being and mental health. Having an in-person session also ensures that parents make it a point to take time off for themselves.     

The  session on ‘Let’s be Mindful together’ began with introductions and dividing the parents in pairs for an activity to find the most common traits amongst them. Few parents got on task and were willing to share while some parents found it difficult to connect with each other. We discussed the difference between being “mind full” and “mindful”. A discussion was facilitated for the same. We did the ‘54321 grounding exercise’ that could be used as a psychological first aid when stressed.  In this exercise one is asked to think of 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 emotion that you feel. This exercise helps us to come back and be present in the moment, to calm down and keep our worries and concerns aside.

Further,  a task was given to help with emotional regulation and the steps involved for the same. A parent shared that this discussion in pairs had enabled them to find common ground about similar issues that they are dealing with, “After talking I realised that I also faced a similar situation in dealing with neighbourhoods and decided to fight against the unfairness towards neurodivergent children.” she said. The parents also shared that everyday situations, like dealing with questions and complaints about their children,  make them overwhelmed but they sometimes feel the need to understand “HOW” to deal with those emotions. The next  sessions will be focused on further promoting a sense of well being among parents.