Let’s be Mindful together

‘Circle of Care’ is an evening of fun, sharing and caring for #SethuParents. The objective is to provide a safe space for parents to share their experiences and feelings and implement strategies for their well being and mental health. Having an in-person session also ensures that parents make it a …

“I Got Autisam”

When our three-year-old daughter Susie* was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder our whole world came crashing down. We didn’t want anyone to know that she was not ‘normal’. It took a couple of months for us to realise that she was normal, just different. Armed with this realisation, we shared …

Haircuts on the Spectrum

Sitting in a hairdresser’s chair for 30 minutes sounds like a simple ask but for children with sensory processing difficulties like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the sounds, sensations and smells can feel traumatic for both them and their caregivers, as Drina Fernandes, mother of Jonathan, 18, discovered when he was …