Author: Dr. Nandita De Souza | Jan 15, 2015 New Year at the Govt primary school where I teach English every week – we did a class on New Year Resolutions and the children were encouraged to talk about what they wanted to do. After discussing it orally, I wrote their
Author: Andre Velho | Jan 28, 2015 Many children who visit Sethu for Behaviour Therapy are very dependent on their parents for most of their needs – feeding, dressing and undressing, bathing etc. Parents are often explained the need for children with autism to be as independent as possible, which is
Author: Patricia Lopes | Feb 17, 2015 A parent whose child has been diagnosed as having autism asked at one of the therapy sessions, with a worried and embarrassed look, whether she should say that her child is “autistic”. To that she was informed that each one of us has abilities
Author: Prakruthi Shetty | Feb 26, 2015 As a speech & language therapist I often wondered about how to train parents of children with autism. When I started working in Sethu, I realized I struck gold only because I found exactly what I needed in terms of satisfaction with the work.