Sethu Diaries

Author:  Madhura Joshi| December 19, 2020 In psychotherapy and counselling sessions we meet many different people, whatever our personal circumstances at the time, we actively listen to the narrations without judgement or prejudice, which are often filled with a mass of complex emotional and personal content. This can include difficulties
Author:  Giselle Lobo| December 15, 2020 Helping your child become independent through self-care skills can create a tremendous sense of achievement as well as boost your child’s self-esteem. However, it is hard to do that when your child has a disability, especially a disability that makes carrying out these skills
Author:  Madhura Manerikar| December 10, 2020 As you all know, learning to use the toilet is an important milestone in our child’s lives as it gives a sense of independence. This is the continuation of the previous two posts that I have shared with you; In the first post, you
Author:  Madhura Joshi| December 07, 2020 One evening, post work, I received this message from a high school teacher – “Is this Madhura Joshi from Sethu? I got your number from a friend. She said you work with adolescents and you would be able to help me with my concerns
Author:  Manju Sashidharan| December 03, 2020 The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is observed every year on December 3. This day is observed so that we can all think about how we can create a community that is inclusive for everyone. This year’s theme ‘Not all Disabilities are Visible’