Today I write as a parent, as I thought this story would surely resonate with any parent following the Sethu adventure.
Yesterday evening I had an argument with my eldest daughter regarding cleaning up her toys and books after using them. My daughter Anaaya, is usually a bright, loving, understanding child, whose laughter is contagious.
However, my verbal outburst led to an argument and then a flood of tears.
As I sat with her, recognising her feelings and waiting for her to calm down, she began to share a hurtful memory as the tears poured down her face. She shared that she had been bullied and was told, ‘You are ugly and look like a boy. Your face is a mask.’
Name-calling is a form of bullying!
I was stumped!! The incident was news to me and I didn’t know what to say to her or how to extend my support to her. This happened pre-lockdown and yet it impacted her so strongly. I felt so helpless and clueless as to what I needed to do.
Then another thought struck me – what about so many of our children with special needs and their parents, what must they feel or think when incidents such as these occur?
Fortunately, I have Sethu to help me. So do stay tuned to our page, my next post will be on resources and tips on bullying!
In the meantime, take the time to listen to your child, acknowledge their emotion and tell them you’ll come back to them with a solution soon.
Knowledge will indeed be power.
Head – Child Development Centre
Sethu frequently conducts comprehensive ‘Parent Training Programmes’ to help parents become effective teachers to their children. Do contact us to sign up for the next session.