Author: Patricia Lopes | Dec 16, 2016 MG is a 4 year old little boy who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the age of 1 year 11 months. MG is attending weekly autism intervention sessions with me and his parents are focused on helping their little boy
Author: Laxmi Pillai | Nov 26, 2016 With the office space available, we have no choice but to believe in teamwork! With the ever-increasing demand for Sethu’s services by large numbers of children with special needs and their families seeking help, it has become inescapable that Sethu needs ample space
Author: Kimberly Dias | May 05, 2017 When 8-year-old Jack walked in, there was something special he brought along with him. I couldn’t figure out if it was his cheerful smile or his simplicity. Either way, it was delightful meeting him. He also carried with him some hurt and sad feelings
Author: Madhura Manerikar | Jun 09, 2017 I met 5 year old Tina with her parents at the Sethu Centre. She came to me with her difficulties in her academics. Tina could write some alphabets only by rote. A-B-C-D etc. She could not recognize alphabets nor could she write random alphabets
Author: Shenessa Barretto | Jun 30, 2017 Recently Yogesh, a very intelligent 16 year old came to me for a learning assessment. He loves photography and pondering about life. However, Yogesh has a limited attention span and dislikes writing. I was concerned that the 3-session assessment would be a challenge for