Sethu Diaries

Author:  Trisha Saldanha | June 3rd, 2021 Q: How did you address personal fears, if any, about being able to love and care for an adopted child? Are these fears warranted to any extent?Ans: “I think not putting pressure on ourselves to fall for the ‘love at first sight’ adage
Author:  Trisha Saldanha | June 2nd, 2021 Adoption had always been something that I have thought about growing up, but at the same time had a number of unanswered questions. If like me, you too have wondered what the process is like, how can I prepare myself or when is
Author:  Andre Velho | May 31, 2021 My son now helps me to dry the clothes on the line! Whenever I take the clothes that need to be dried, my son follows me and wants to help me by giving the clothes to me, so much so the other day
Author:  Andre Velho | April 10, 2021 Before, if a genie had to grant me three wishes, one of them would be to understand what is going on in the mind of my child. During the behaviour sessions at Sethu, that wish was granted. There were several challenging behaviours that
Author:  Aileen de Souza| March 3, 2021 “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it”. – Maya Angelou 13-year-old Ryan sat in the Sethu waiting area, while the rain beat down on the tiled roof. His mother had dropped him off