Sethu Diaries

Author:  Rebecca Manari | April 19th, 2022 What’s Going on Inside His Head? ‘I wish we could understand, for just a day, what’s going on in their minds!’ This is a comment that’s often heard from parents of children with Autism at Sethu’s ASD Parent Support Group. I often felt
Author:  Rebecca Manari | April 18th, 2022 Soon after my son’s intervention began at Sethu, I learned about a particular way that Sethu tracks and monitors the holistic progress of my child. Called the ‘F-Words’, this model uses six aspects of my child’s life, (all beginning with the letter F-
Author:  Rebecca Manari | April 16th, 2022 As parents of children with autism, we often share our struggles and difficulties with the professionals at Sethu. The therapists always have a remarkable way with words and manage to get their message across in a way that’s so relatable and easy to
Author:  Rebecca Manari | April 14th, 2022 Like many others, I too used to be a parent who said no to screen time for my son Ryan (name changed) when he was a toddler, and I was so proud of it! However, when Ryan was about a year old, the
Author:  Andre Velho | April 13th, 2022 “How can I cure my child?” is a question we often get asked at Sethu, by parents whose child may have recently been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They just need something to make things better for their child. There are a