The pitter patter of little feet volubly matched with the jibber jabber of little tongues can be heard loud and clear at The Sethu Centre for Child Development and Family Guidance,
The Sethu Centre was started on the 1st of June 2005 and is a place where children and families are welcomed and can find help for different worries and concerns. Children are our inspiration, which help us bear the perspiration! Some of the common difficulties for which children are referred to Sethu are:
- Delayed development
- Learning difficulties including academic failure
- Autism and ADHD
- Intellectual disability and Cerebral Palsy
- Speech and language concerns
- Behaviour that is difficult to handle like stubbornness, temper tantrums, aggressiveness, hyperactivity
- Overwhelming sadness and anxiety
- Family conflict – poor communication, discipline problems
The team around the children is critical to their development, emotional health and family well-being. Listening and observing children helps us understand them.
Since we started, there has been a steady increase in the annual registrations. Till date over 7000 children and families have availed of Sethu’s services.. A multidisciplinary team consisting of pediatricians, a psychiatrist, psychologists, behaviour therapists, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a psychotherapist, special educators and a administration staff work closely with the children and their families.
A range of assessments such as neuro-developmental examinations, psycho-educational testing, speech and language assessments, social communication assessments, autism assessments and functional assessments for educational programming are offered. Sethu has upgraded its skills in assessment of autism and facilities for doing the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI) are now available.Consultations are offered only with prior appointments.
You can call our receptionist Laxmi on +91 77200 13749 if you wish to schedule an appointment.
The vast majority of children who visit Sethu are under-fives which makes us perfectly placed to institute early intervention.There are 3 main reasons for early referral to Sethu – higher levels of parental awareness, competent paediatricians and vigilant preschool teachers.
Our strong web of networks with families, doctors and school ensure that the children who are identified by these three agencies are brought to Sethu for early assessment, diagnosis and treatment, all of which are enabled through exceptional teamwork. In addition, there is nothing quite like word-of-mouth to get Sethu noticed.
Sethu Centre For Child Development and Family Guidance.
House No. 5/84, Dhonvaddo, Saligao, North Goa 403511, India
Contact number
Sethu – +91-77200 13749 and Public Holidays
Centre Timings
Tuesday to Saturday 9 am to 5 pm
Closed on Sundays, Mondays