Established in 2005, Sethu works with children in the belief that every young person can develop to their maximum potential with the love, attention and proper support of all who care for them. Sethu's key principle is collaboration - we can do our work only because children have families, teachers and communities. Hand in hand with them we strive to achieve the best for every child.
Our focus is on the developmental and behavioural wellbeing of children from birth to 19 years. A multidisciplinary team of professionals cares for children referred for assessment and therapy services. The child and the family are at the centre of our work. Therefore utmost importance is given to ensuring that families feel empowered to support their children. Our work with children can be in individual or group settings. Parents are encouraged to sit in on therapy sessions and are given 'homework' - to practice the teaching strategies that they have learnt, in the child's natural environment.
Sethu's work is not rocket-science! Training others - anyone who cares for children - about various facets of child development is a crucial objective that is pursued with passion. Students, interns and volunteers from diverse fields are welcomed. Through the sharing of knowledge and skills, we can reach out to so many more children.